
Cambiamos el mundo

Shall we change the world?



Welcome to all.

With this section of the blog “Shall we change the world” I would like to invite readers to reflect.

In the 21st century, in a totally interconnected and globalized planet, the art of reflection has been lost. Everything is fast. Let’s make a tribute to the slow and to the reflection.

To wonder questions like: Do we like the world and the society in which we live? Are we willing to accept that we are wrong in our way of thinking? Do we accept as normal, actions and situations that, really are not?

Many times, to change how we do things, we have to unlearn and then relearn.

As Thomas Eddison said: “Whoever does not cultivate the habit of thinking, the greatest pleasure of life is lost.”

I want us to think, to reflect, to face our day to day in a different way, to be courageous, to be faithful to our principles, to react to injustice, to pose different solutions to the same problems that we continue to solve …. In short, to be better people.

I hope I can continue to inspire you for a long time …