
foto regalo navidad 2017

The best Christmas night gift.

This publication is intended for all families that are unstitched, without being broken, have stopped feeling Christmas as their own. This was my gift from the past Christmas … From this gift, everything has changed, nothing has been the same again.

Unfortunately, 80% of families are in this situation …

There were no more gifts; just some envelopes, under the Christmas tree, with identical content for each of the adult members of the family. The children, had the first of the most “endearing” Christmas they have had so far.

ENVELOPE FOR MUM                                    ENVELOPE FOR DAD

Mum, dad, brothers and brothers-in-law. We are here, like every year; for more than 40 years … I want to wish you happy Christmas to all.

This is the most important Christmas gift I have ever given to anyone; It is the same gift for all members of the family. It´s economic value is zero, but I do not think that is important.

I remember when I was a child, that several days before Christmas night I could not sleep, my nerves thinking about the gifts that Father Christmas would bring me.

More than 30 years have passed since then, and I have lost the “spirit of Christmas”. Actually, I think everyone (except our children) have lost it.

Life changes a lot, and maybe (I hope I’m wrong) these are the last Christmas we all are in. Just in case, I want to tell you some words that I feel with my heart and that I should have said a long time ago. It took me a lot to gather the courage and humility to say what I am going to say now; Pride, anger and resentment … do not contribute anything in our lives.

This year I just want you to give me a gift. More than a gift, I have 1 wish. I wish that these Christmases are at the same time the last and the first.

I wish it were the last Christmas in which we feel with little desire to come to dinner with the family, without hope and without motivation, and from now on, it is the most wonderful and expected night of the year. I want you to feel the alien illusion as your own, I want to feel your illusion as if it were mine. I do not want to buy you gifts, and then you ask me “what do I owe you?” I do not want you to buy yours and get it from me.

I wish you to forgive me for all the things that I have been able to say to you and that have made you feel bad; I did not mean to hurt you.

I, quite some time ago, decided to empty the wastepaper basket where I kept the hatred and the rancor, and forgive you.

I wish we could talk about everything, about our joys, our sorrows and our worries. That we can honestly say what we think, without fear of offending; After all, we are family and we are the people who know each other best, since we will be together all our lives, from the moment we are born until the moment we die.

We can afford to tell each other what we think, because we love each other and a person who loves you will always tell you what they think; without malice or bad intentions.

Let’s forget the bad moments, the bad words, the envies, the anger and the resentment.

Let’s start from scratch.

My greatest wish is to get excited, to feel, to cry, to laugh, with you day to day, and to make mine your lives and to make yours mine. I want us to be a family again.
I want to buy you gifts, without needing to ask you WHAT YOU WANT, because I know it perfectly without asking.

I want it to be the first, the first of many dinners in which we all want to see each other, to be able to talk about everything, to share our joys, our sorrows, our worries of laughing out loud, of remembering the happy times of our youth and childhood, to toast for our joys and cry together for our sorrows.

I want to be nervous the night before thinking about the gifts you are going to give me; I do not want expensive gifts, I want gifts of love and affection.

I want it to be three in the morning without realizing that time has flown by, I want to say goodbye with regret to leave, and with the illusion that next year will be even better.

I love you.

After reading the letters, there were plenty of words, tears, hugs, and it was the first real Christmas for a very long time

Let’s have courage, strength and humility; WE CAN CHANGE OUR WORLD, the first step to CHANGE THE WORLD.

Thanks for reading